Highlighted Promotional and Explainer Videos for Apps and Tools   
01 Team Management Software Explainer Video 
The goal was to create a promotional video for an app/software. An explainer-style intro was suggested and it incorporated Baton's branding, along with providing stock music and motion graphics. Animations/visuals had to be created based on the script given and the understanding of how the software works. The main issue was the lack of description/ideas in the visuals that should have represented the given narrative. 
02 NFT Trading Platform Explainer Video
A dynamic animated, promotional video for their NFT platform software was sought by an NFT trading platform. Animation was used to elaborate the app's features in a dynamic manner with a catchy video animation style. The assets were conveniently obtained from Figma which is a UX/UI design platform that had to be navigated.
03 Legal Firm Intro 
A legal firm required fast-paced and dynamic motion graphics for promotional materials across various social media platforms. The client provided the copy, and the project involved creating additional animation assets for the brand.
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